Monday, July 17, 2017

[quotes] All My Sons - Arthur Miller 1947


"I don't know, everybody's gettin' so Goddam educated in this country there'll be nobody to take away the garbage. It's gettin' so the only dumb ones left are the bosses."

"It's a tragedy: you stand n the street today and spit, you're gonna hit a college man."

"And now I live in the usual darkness; I can't find myself; it's even hard sometimes to remember the kind of man I wanted to be."

"The cats in that alley are practical, the bums who ran away when we were fighting were practical. Only the dead ones weren't practical. But now I'm practical, and I spit on myself."

"We used to shoot a man who acted like a dog, but honor was real there, you were protecting something. But here? This is the land of the great big dogs, you don't love a man here, you eat him! That's the principle; the only one we live by - it just happened to kill a few people this time, that's all. The world's that way, how can I take it out on him? What sense does that make? This is a zoo, a zoo!"

"I know you're no worse than most men but I thought you were better .I never saw you as a man. I saw you as my father."

"You can be better! Once and for all you can know there's a universe of people outside and you're responsible to it, and unless you know that you threw away your son because that's why he died."

[quotes] Our Common Future - World Commission on Environment and Development

"In essence, sustainable development is a process of change in which the exploitation of resources, the direction of investments, the orientation of technological development, and institutional change are all in harmony and enhance both current and future potential to meet human needs and aspirations."

"The economic difficulties of sub-Saharan countries have had devastating social impacts. Declining per capita food production has contributed to growing undernourishment."

"Greatly increased external financing for development must be accompanied by policy changes that recognize the need to avoid environmental degradation."

"Latin American natural resources are being used not for development or to raise living standards, but to meet the financial requirements of industrialized country creditors."

"These countries are turning the terms of trade against themselves, earning less while exporting more. The promotion of increased volumes of commodity exports has led to cases of unsustainable overuse of the natural resource base."

"Policymakers must realize that spending on population activities and on other efforts to raise human potential is crucial to a nation's economic and productive activities and to achieving sustainable human progress - the end for which a government exists."

"Women farmers, through they play a critical role in food production, are often ignored by programmes meant to improve production."

"Thus when countries with untapped agricultural resources provide food by importing more, they are effectively importing unemployment."

"Food strategies must take into account all the policies that bear upon the threefold challenge of shifting production to where it is most needed, of securing the livelihoods of the rural poor, and of conserving resources."