Wednesday, October 16, 2019

[poems] Pillow Thoughts - Courtney Peppernell 2017

Image result for pillow thoughts Image result for courtney peppernell

this is the first poetry book I've read. here are some of my favorites.

I know what it feels like
for my heart to ache
and my soul to cry.
I know what it feels like
for things to be so hard
it takes everything to get by.
I know what it feels like
when nothing seems steady
and for things to derail.
I know what it feels like
to have person after person
cause your heart to fail.
But one day I hope you see
the love you give yourself
heals all parts eventually.
Until finally she walks in
and sets your heart free
and reminds you why
everyone else
wasn't meant to be.

But life is not about half doing. You cannot half love, or half
accept, or half live. It's about giving everything you have.
When you are old and worn, do you really want to look back
and say you gave the bare minimum? You owe yourself more
than that.

Some things will never be fair for everyone. This is the saddest
realization that the universe can teach. So if they are fair for
you, remember to be grateful.

Even on bad days and cold nights where it feels it has all but
gone. You still have purpose. It has been inside you since the
day you were born. A tiny little firefly born from the light of
the universe. There is a world of reason inside you, an entire
library of thoughts and emotions. For all the moments that
steal your hope, just remember the universe intended for you
to happen. You have purpose.

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