Saturday, March 25, 2023

[quotes] Stepping off the Relationship Escalator - Amy Gahran 2017


"That said, the Relationship Escalator does not exist in a vacuum. Race, class, religion, cultural background, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability and similar types of context can color what it means to ride the Escalator. That's because social norms tend to accommodate social privilege."

"Many participants reported that stepping off the Relationship Escalator allowed them to discover a sense of love, belonging, support, intimacy, fulfillment and authenticity that they hadn't been able to achieve otherwise."

"If at some point a partner or relationship becomes disqualified from the Escalator, usually that relationship gets sidetracked to a less important status; or it ends or simply fizzles out."

"Thus, they may socialize and vacation separately, maintain close friendships with people who are potentially sexually or romantically attractive, not consider each other to be default companions for support, and so on."

"Deeply ingrained social norms about relationships, reinforced by media, role models, legal and financial considerations, and external support and recognition, can make it quite daunting to step off the Escalator - or even to consider doing so. Several people reported conflicting feelings about stepping off the Escalator. Sometimes, it's unclear whether these emotions are authentic, or the result of strong social conditioning."

"When people continue to have strong emotional reactions or personal crises triggered by lingering ingrained Escalator assumptions (particularly about monogamy) that they no longer believe in, some people call this the monogamy hangover."

"When this happens, it can be jarring. It can feel like a friction emerging from the inside of our being: the outer form of things does not match the internalized societal programming, and therefore we might act from spite, anger, or jealousy. Or paralyzed by shame and self-judgment, we might suddenly change from being very present and forthcoming, to absent, reticent, even fearful."

"What makes these connections 'casual' is the lack of significant emotional investment, or any intention beyond having fun or killing time, or any expectation that the relationship will continue beyond the current encounter."

"First, most people prefer some stability and reliability, or at least predictability, in their most important relationships. They'd rather not be dealing with lots of change or disruption, especially in areas of life where they might feel especially vulnerable."

"Second, there's the deep-seated social assumption that a successful relationship should last a lifetime."

"Even when people are aware of (or perhaps practice) unconventional relationship styles, sometimes they still assume that traditional relationships must be safer - or at least, less prone to risk and trouble."

"Unconventional relationships definitely are not risk-free. But in the big picture, all intimate relationships are inherently risky, to some extent."

"These advantages spring from social couple privilege: the assumption that people who are coupled up are more important, and worthy of greater consideration and reward, than other people."

"No relationship exists in a vacuum. On the Escalator or not, all relationships are affected by the world around them. Consequently, if an unconventional relationship appears to be unhealthy or struggling, it's probably facile to blame that on its structure, without deeper inquiry."

"Often people view sex, love, family, stability or privilege as scarce resources - and monogamy as the key to securing access to them."

"Blended relationships are fairly common in consensual nonmonogamy. This is when partners have different approaches to consensual nonmonogamy, and they negotiate their common ground."

"These agreements can be consensual and mutually beneficial without being symmetrical."

"The catch is, social norms encourage assumptions. This can create dilemmas about consent. When people rely on assumptions, they often sidestep communication and negotiation."

"Introspection is a vital component of informed consent. This means getting to know oneself well enough to be able to clearly express wants, needs and uncertainties; as well as what one can offer or accept in intimate relationships."

"Because unless someone is dating their clone, intimate partners always have substantial differences."

"Lighter or less-involved intimate connections can be a valuable part of life."

"in polyamorous relationships, people typically are open to the possibility that more than one of their relationships at a time might develop a strong sense of emotional investment or commitment, and perhaps also some level of logistical entwinement."

"not every intimate connection must blossom into a major romance or life commitment."

"Being a metamour has some things in common with family ties. For instance, siblings are people who have an important relationship in common: they share the same parents. However, it's up to siblings to shape their own relationships."

"Constructive interaction with metamours is a unique skill that mainstream culture does not tend to foster."

"In any freeform poly network, some relationships are likely to be deeper or more entwined than others."

"The diminutive 'just' is telling. It indicates how our society prioritizes sexual/romantic relationships above others. It also implies that whether people are sexually or romantically involved is always relevant - even to people who are not involved."

"Friendships, whether they include sex or not, involve real people with real feelings - and ideally, some level of mutual appreciation, consideration and respect."

"For many people, being solo means prioritizing one's internal relationship with oneself... It just means refusing to lose or sacrifice oneself within any relationship."

"It's common for solos to carefully nurture a diverse range of deep ties with friends, intimate partners, family, and community... Solos usually must build and maintain their support networks very consciously, so they can count on support in times of need."

"Most solos prefer to avoid life-entwined intimate relationships, especially living with or marrying sexual or romantic partners."

"Merging is probably the characteristic of Escalator relationships that affects partners' lives most profoundly. It changes not just how they live and love but their very identity and ways of connecting with others."

"Usually, behavior patterns over time are better indicators than labels about the presence or strength of relationship hierarchy."

"Thus, hierarchy dictates the balance of power across a relationship network."

"... secondary relationships often grow to become quite significant and substantial, with deep mutual emotional investment and commitment."

"Partners wish to ensure that their existing shared commitments, investments and goals are honored. They also wish to ensure that additional relationships complement their life and their primary relationship - or at least, that they do not derail it."

"This is why, when nonmonogamous people say 'Relationship hierarchy works for us," it's important to consider who, exactly, is included in that 'us.' Seeking all involved perspectives can yield a more complete picture."

"Some people find that distinguishing between descriptive and prescriptive hierarchy helps them remain conscious of when their hierarchy might need to change."

"Hierarchy can be a permanent feature of poly relationships. But often, as people gain experience with polyamory, they relax their hierarchy and move toward egalitarian relationships."

"'Ethics' leans towards decisions based upon individual character, and the more subjective understanding of right and wrong by individuals. Whereas 'morals' emphasizes the widely-shared communal or societal norms about right and wrong."

"The author suggests two key axioms to support ethical decisions in relationships, rooted in considerations of basic human rights: The people in the relationship are more important than the relationship. Don't treat people as things."

"Requirements or rules about feelings, not just behavior, commonly prove impractical as well as ethically dicey. In particular, emotional requirements that attempt to make one person responsible for maintaining another person's sense of happiness or security tend to yield no win situations."

"However, consent is an ongoing process, not a one-time choice. As circumstances and feelings evolve, people may change their minds about what they want in their relationships, and what they're willing or able to consent to."

"Our culture defines a 'good person' as someone who follows rules. I think this leads to rule-based polyamory, in which people attempt to demonstrate that they're still Good People by armoring themselves in new rules, despite breaking The Big Relationship Rule."

"From an ethical perspective, a kill switch is the ultimate form of third-party relationship control."

"Desiring safety, security and stability in one's intimate relationships, and in life, is not wrong. Still, it helps to realize that people usually have many options to support feeling secure, to protect shared investments, and to improve the chances that partners will continue to meet existing commitments."

"Love and relationships, of any kind, are never, ever safe. Even on the Relationship Escalator, risk is omnipresent. Monogamous partners abandon and betray each other all the time. And eventually, everyone dies."

"How people handle relationship risk largely comes down to how they perceive their options."

"Many survey participants noted how considering one's personal values and ethics, and being open to discuss them clearly with partners and metamours, typically yields better relationships while also supporting the greater good."

"Egalitarian relationships are about partners having an equal ability to effectively advocate for themselves within their own relationships."

"Of course, egalitarianism doesn't mean that every partner always gets everything they want, or that every conflict must be resolved through compromise, or that no one is allowed to have priorities or hard limits. It just means that all partners are equally empowered to speak up, that they can expect to be heard and considered, and that third parties cannot override the decisions partners make about their relationship... No person or relationship trumps or precludes others by default... That is, only the people who are partners in a relationship have the power to make decisions about their relationship."

"... the quest for fairness usually includes active consideration of people who might be affected by a relationship decision."

"For a relationship network to be fair, everyone needs to be flexible. This includes established partners being willing to make room, or to adapt, in order to accommodate and respect other partners and relationships."

"... egalitarian relationships (as well as relationship anarchy) tend to put life-entwined relationships on an equal footing with other kinds of relationships."

"... relationships anarchists do not gauge the importance of a relationship based on whether it involves sex, romance, life entwinement, or ties of blood or marriage."

"... up-front awareness of the limited scope of a relationship can amplify its intensity and significance. And sometimes, acknowledged limits are what allows a relationship to exist at all."

"Some people believe that nonmonogamy provides a buffer which can mitigate the emotional pain and disruption of a breakup."

"Sometimes positive afterships emerge from how people manage their own emotions, and sometimes it's a matter of how they acknowledge or approach the process of concluding relationships."

"There's a huge difference in viewing someone as part of your past, vs. seeing them as having an alternate role in your present and future."

"De-escalation, or downshifting, happens when intimate partners step back from some or all of their forms of sharing or merging."

"Some people wish to retain the option of riding the Escalator, even if they're currently exploring unconventional relationships."

"... it's crucial to periodically have a conversation just to take the pulse of how everybody in the relationship feels. How does it feel to be monogamour or polyamorous? How does it feel to be having sex, or not? How does it feel to live together or apart? How do we feel about having children, or about how we are parenting? Do we want to be married or not? Do we want to be public or private about our relationship? This stuff does not stay static."

"The fundamental liberating factor is that I have a choice. It is okay to choose a relationship based on tradition, or based on what someone else wants, or based on what I desire in my heart."

"Most people who have unconventional relationships are not claiming that traditional relationships have no value. I think they're just advocating choice. They're advocating close examination or relationship traditions and seeing which ones resonate."

Sunday, March 19, 2023

[quotes] Begin Anew: Four Steps to Restoring Communication - Sister Chan Khong 2014


"If people don't take enough time to come to know themselves well and untie their internal knots, when they enter into a relationship with another person, their union will be difficult."

"When we fall in love, we construct a beautiful image that we project onto our partner, and we may be a little shocked as our illusions disappear and we discover the reality of living with someone."

"Practicing the art of mindful living together, we can help untie each other's knots successfully. We will be able to see that other people, like us, have both flowers and compose inside, and we accept this. Our practice is to water the flowers in them, and not bring them more garbage."

"Your partner is a flower. If you take care of her well, she will grow beautifully. If you take care of her poorly, she will wither. To help a flower grow well, we must understand its nature."

"Beginning Anew practice has four stages: "flower watering", expressing regrets, expressing hurts and difficulties, and checking in and asking for more information."

"First, we practice what we call flower watering. During flower watering, the speaker acknowledges the wholesome, wonderful qualities of the others."

"In the second part of the practice, we express our regrets for things we have said or done that may have hurt or disturbed others."

"In the third part, we express ways in which others have hurt us."

"Lastly, there's a chance to ask real questions and get more information. So often our suffering comes from inaccurate or insufficient information. Finding out what is going on with the other person and what is behind their actions can go a long way to repairing a relationship."

"In Hugging Meditation, you begin by taking a few moments to look at the other person and realize how dear they are to you. Take three breaths, just looking at the other person and feeling their true presence. As you open your arms to hug the other person, breathe consciously and hug with all your body, mind, and heart. "Breathing in, I know my dear one is here in my arms, alive. Breathing out, he is so precious to me."

"True love requires deep understanding, seeing the depth of the other person's darkness, pain, and suffering. If you don't understand her, you can't love her properly; your love will only cause her to suffer."

"Real love means loving kindness and compassion, the kind of love that doesn't have any conditions. You form a community of two in order to practice love - taking care of each other and helping your partner blossom. Through your love for each other, and learning the art of making one person happy, you also learn to offer your love for the whole of humanity and all beings."

"Please open your heart and tell me. To love you well, I need to understand you, in order to help you fulfill your aspirations. I don't want to just impose on you what I would like."

"We must train ourselves to be humble about our perceptions and open ourselves to learning more about the other side of the story."

"If possible, practice every day with yourself and your children, and every week with your partner or family, whether or not a problem has come up during that time."

"Or suppose you reflect on yourself. You may think 'I know very well what I am like.' But in fact you only perceive twenty or thirty percent of who you are."

"When you fall in love with someone, you fall in love with your perception of him or her, no with his reality, no with her suchness, not yet."

"The practice of Beginning Anew will help your perception come closer to the true suchness of the person you love, to who they really are rather than to who you thought they were according to your initial perception."

"We have to be very humble about our views. Our view of something is just a perception, and all perceptions are incomplete and are not the whole reality of an object, a situation, or an event."

"THE ART OF HAPPINESS is the capacity to create an environment where everyone is seen, valued, and appreciated on a regular basis."

"So the first practice of Beginning Anew is: when you see something good in the other person, you have to take note of it right away. Don't let yourself forget it."

"So it might help to keep a notebook or a file on your computer where you list all the things about your loved one that bring you happiness."

"I learned later that although they didn't think many issues were coming up in their relationship, in fact little hurts were pilling up one by one, until each person became more and more irritable and less sweet to the other."

"Ask your partner from time to time: 'Do I understand you enough? Do I understand your deep aspirations, what you love to do the most? Please tell me what I can do to keep our love fresh and new?"

"To love you well, I need to understand your life's dream, so I can support and not hinder you from fulfilling your aspiration, what you most deeply wish to do in life."

"I don't know why you spoke like that. Maybe there was a reason behind it? I want to understand so I can rediscover the person I love and respect."

"My proposal for you is that at the initial stage you only water the flowers in the other person and don't yet touch the real issue until more trust is restored."

"Beginning Anew is a powerful tool for manifesting the practice of mindfulness in relationship. It's allowing me to have more trust and love in my life."

[quotes] The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz 1997


"Humans are dreaming all the time. Before we were born the humans before us created a big outside dream that we will call society's dream or the dream of the planet."

"The outside dream has so many rules that when a new human is born, we hook the child's attention and introduce these rules into his or her mind."

"The outside dream hooks our attention and teaches us what to believe, beginning with the language that we speak. Language is the code for understanding and communication between humans. Every letter, every word in each language is an agreement."

"The outside dream may hook our attention, but if we don't agree, we don't store that information. As soon as we agree, we believe it, and this is called faith. To have faith is to believe unconditionally."

"We pretend to be what we are not because we are afraid of being rejected. The fear of being rejected becomes the fear of not being good enough. Eventually we become someone that we are not. We become a copy of Mamma's beliefs, Daddy's beliefs, society's beliefs, and religion's beliefs."

"We are so well trained that we are our own domesticator. We are an autodomesticated animal. WE can now domesticate ourselves according to the same belief system we were given, and using the same system of punishment and reward."

"One by one, all these agreements go into the Book of Law, and these agreements rule our dream."

"Whatever goes against the Book of Law will make you feel a funny sensation in your solar plexus, and it's called fear. Breaking the rules in the Book of Law opens your emotional wounds, and your reaction is to create emotional poison. Because everything that is in the Book of Law has to be true, anything that challenges what you believe is going to make you feel unsafe. Even if the Book of Law is wrong, it makes you feel safe."

"One edge is the misuse of the word, which creates a living hell. The other edge is the impeccability of the word, which will only create beauty, love, and heaven on earth."

"When you are impeccable, you take responsibility for your actions, but you do not judge or blame yourself."

"How much you love yourself and how you feel about yourself are directly proportionate to the quality and integrity of your word. When you are impeccable with your word, you feel good; you feel happy and at peace."

"If you live without fear, if you love, there is no place for any of those emotions. If you don't feel any of those emotions, it is logical that you will feel good. When you feel good, everything around you is good. When everything around you is great, everything makes you happy. You are loving everything that is around you, because you are loving yourself."

"Telling yourself the truth about it may hurt, but you don't need to be attached to the pain."

"Doing my best has become a ritual in my life because I made the choice to make it a ritual. It's a belief like any other belief that I choose. I make everything a ritual, and I always do my best."

"By doing your best, the habits of misusing your word, taking things personally, and making assumptions will become weaker and less frequent with time. You don't need to judge yourself, feel guilty, or punish yourself if you cannot keep these agreements. If you're doing your best, you will feel good about yourself even if you still make assumptions, still take things personally, and still are not impeccable with your word."

"Your own body is a manifestation of God, and if you honor your body everything will change for you. When you practice giving love to every part of your body, you plant seeds of love in your mind, and when they grow, you will love, honor, and respect your body immensely."

"The real you is still a little child who never grew up."

"But you are no longer a child. Now it's up to you to choose what to believe and what not to believe. You can choose to believe in anything, and that includes believing in yourself."

"The truth is like a scalpel. The truth is painful, because it opens all of the wounds which are covered by lies so that we can be healed."

"And I put a little piece of love in every human, and I become one with the whole of humanity. Wherever I go, whomever I meet, I see myself in their eyes, because I am a part of everything, because I love."

"Help me to keep the love and the peace in my heart and to make that love a new way of life, that I may live in love the rest of my life. Amen."