Monday, June 22, 2020

[quotes] When Things Fall Apart - Pema Chödrön 1997

When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times ...

"This very moment is the perfect teacher, and, lucky for us, it's with us wherever we are."

"The word for loving-kindness in Sanskrit is maitri. Maitri is also translated as unconditional friendliness."

"Practicing loving-kindness toward ourselves seems as good a way as any to start illuminating the darkness of difficult times."

"The still lake without ripples is an image of our minds at ease, so full of unlimited friendliness for all the junk at the bottom of the lake that we don't feel the need to churn up the waters just to avoid looking at what's there."

"The trick is to enjoy fully but without clinging, and when the time comes, let it dissolve back into the sea."

"Not wandering in the world of desire is about relating directly with how things are. Loneliness is not a problem. Loneliness is nothing to be solved. The same is true for any other experience we might have."

"Impermanence is meeting and parting. It's falling in love and falling out of love. Impermanence is bittersweet, like buying a new shit and years later finding it as part of a patchwork quilt."

"When you fall in love, recognize it as impermanence, and let that intensity the preciousness. When a relationship ends, recognize it as impermanence."

"But honesty without kindness makes us feel grim and mean, and pretty soon we start looking like we've been sucking on lemons."

"What we hate in ourselves, we'll hate in others. To the degree that we have compassion for ourselves, we will also have compassion for others. Having compassion starts and ends with having compassion for all those unwanted parts of ourselves, all those imperfections that we don't even want to look at."

"Bodhichitta is a Sanskrit word that means 'noble or awakened heart.' It is said to be present in all beings. Just as butter is inherent in milk and oil is inherent in a sesame seed, this soft spot is inherent in you and me."

"To have even a few seconds of doubt about the solidity and absolute truth of our own opinions, just to begin to see that we do have opinions, introduces us to the possibility of egolessness. We don't have to make these opinions go away, and we don't have to criticize ourselves for having them. We could just notice what we say to ourselves and see how so much of it is just our particular take on reality, which may or may not be shared by other people."

"The samaya relationship with a vajrayana teacher is meant to help us: it's meant to introduce us to the fact that if we could have an unconditional relationship with even one person, we could have an unconditional relationship with the world."

"Even if we live to be 108, our life will be too short for witnessing all its wonders. The dharma is each act, each thought, each word we speak."

"Now is the only time. How we relate to it creates the future. In other words, if we're going to be more cheerful in the future, it's because of our aspiration and exertion to be cheerful in the present. What we do accumulates; the future is the result of what we do right now."

Sunday, June 14, 2020

[quotes] Emergent Strategy - Adrienne Maree Brown 2017

Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds: brown ... The Visionary: Adrienne Maree Brown | The People Issue | Detroit ...

"Emergence emphasizes critical connections over critical mass, building authentic relationships, listening with all the senses of the body and the mind."

"But emergence notices the way small actions and connections create complex systems, patterns that become ecosystems and societies."

"While my default position is wonder, I am not without critique, disappointment, frustration, and even depression when I contemplate humanity."

"I follow other people's leadership around math, I offer leadership around healing, which comes more naturally to me. That give and take creates room for micro-hierarchies in a collaborative movement."

"Perhaps humans' core function is love. Love leads us to observe in a much deeper way than any other emotion."

"I am listening now with all of my senses, as if the whole universe might exist just to teach me more about love."

"She also said 'all that you touch you change/ all that you change, changes you.'"

"Grace started asking us what our movements would look like if we focused on critical connections instead of critical mass."

"Emergent strategies are ways for humans to practice complexity and grow the future through relatively simple interactions."

"We all need a place where we can weep and be held and feel our feelings and figure out how those feelings can direct our next evolution."

"... what happens at the interpersonal level is a way to understand the whole of society."

"internalize demands
you are the one
you are waiting for
externalize love
bind us together into
a greater self"

"Grace taught me dialectical humanism - the cycle of collective transformation of beliefs that occurs as we gather new information and experiences, meaning that, over time, we can understand and hold a position we previously believed to be wrong."

"I apply this to my songs, my self-portraits, my poems - understanding that when a Black, queer, thick artist woman intentionally takes space, it creates a new world."

"There is a conversation in the room that only these people at this moment can have. Find it."

"Grace often said that every crisis is an opportunity, which is amazing theoretically, and requires great emotional fortitude in practice, as well as the maturity to understand that the negative realization of that theory is 'disaster capitalism.'"

"We learn to bond through gossip, venting, and destroying, rather than cultivating solutions together."

"Perhaps the most egregious thing we are taught is that we should just be really good at what's already possible, to leave impossible alone."

"... until we have some sense of how to live our solutions locally, we won't be successful at implementing a just governance system regionally, nationally, or globally."

"In movement work, I have been facilitating groups to shift from a culture of strategic planning to one of strategic intentions - what are our intentions, informed by our vision? What do we need to be and do to bring our vision to pass? How do we bring those intentions to life throughout every change, in every aspect of our work?"

"As an individual, get really good at being intentional with where you put your energy, letting go as quickly as you can of things that aren't part of your visionary life's work."

"This is something I have been working on, engaging my anger and actually releasing it in harmless ways when it's live in me."

"... 'do here what we are seeking to do in the world.'"

"Do you already know that your existence - who and how you are - is in and of itself a contribution to the people and place around you?"

"On so many levels, interdependence requires being seen, as much as possible, as your truer self."

"I love knowing how incredible it feels to have a need met, to be loved and cared for, and also know how incredible it feels to meet an authentic need."

"No one is special, and everyone is needed."

"Don't sit this out. It has room for you. Find out, start, or help shape what is happening in your town."

"Uprisings and resistance and mass movement require a tolerance of messiness, a tolerance of many, many paths being walked on at once."

"Be able to say: 'I invest my energy in what I want to see grow. I belong to efforts I deeply believe in and help shape those.'"

"It is only in relation to other bodies and many somebodies that anybody is somebody. Don't get into your cotton-picking mind that you are somebody in yourself."

"...This may include being far away from each other (physically, and in social media, and in all communications) in the short term.""

"You have to tell your story. The silence and shame around these dynamics makes people think they are alone and especially flawed."

"Pick one person in your life right now, someone you want a more authentic relationship with, and tell them exactly that. Ask if you can practice radical honesty together. It is difficult at first, but the results are unparalleled freedom and satisfaction."

"Sometimes this was because the takedown wouldn't have had the impact I wanted; destroying a person doesn't destroy all of the systems that allow harmful people to do harm."

"The more people who cocreate the future, the more people whose concerns will be addressed from the foundational level in this world."

"In beginning this work, notice who you feel drawn to, and where you find ease. And notice who challenges you, who makes the edges of your ideas grow or fortify. I find that my best work has happened during my most challenging collaborations, because there are actual differences that are converging and creating more spaces, ways forward that serve more than one worldview."

"'... The most powerful thing for organizers to have, I believe, is faith. This belief that we can win, that we can change the world, that we can all be better.' - Terry Marshall"

"... conversation is a crucial way to explore what we believe and to make new understandings and ideas possible."

"I also think consensus is like water. Many paths, but the future is the ocean. Like we can resist, but it is inevitable, we will have to get together eventually."

"I have sets of woes - people who know my north star, who know my challenges, and who hold me accountable to my own development, celebrating my self-awareness and growth."

"Often the biggest support we need is to speak the truth out loud to those who will hold it with us from a vantage point of unconditional love."

"All organizing is science fiction. If you are shaping the future, you are a futurist."

"The best way to practice visionary fiction is to get to writing."

"Metta meditation is a very simple ritual of developing lovingkindness towards yourself and the whole world. As you meditate you say, to yourself or outloud, 'May I be happy, may I be wealthy, may I be free from harm and suffering.' And then you repeat it for someone you love, someone you feel aversion to, and then for the whole world."

"There are always a ton of relevant conversations that could happen, but there is usually a very small set of conversations that a particular group, at a particular moment in history, can have and move forward, given their capacity, resources, time, focus, and beliefs."

"We will not wait to be perfect, because we believe the time is now and we would rather be held accountable for our mistakes than forgiven our inaction."

"Be open to someone else speaking your truth."

"The vision of an organization is the furthest it can see."

"Identifying what your group can do well, is passionate about, and is needed - that's the sweet spot. That's your mission."

"Learning in community helps us see how our own ideas are shifting over time. Hopefully we develop a change with time, applying life experience to our way of seeing the world."

"Community is an incredible way to get access to information you might not come across on your own."

"Without intention, we are usually practicing what the dominant society wants us to practice - competing with each other to be cogs in a system that benefits the owning class, vaguely religious, vaguely patriotic."

"Practice saying 'yes' to the ideas that come from others, growing the idea with yes after yes. When you are tempted to say 'no,' try asking 'how?' instead."

"It changed the world, even if it is/was only in tiny ways that can't be seen, measured."

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

[quotes] The Other Side of Paradise - Staceyann Chin 2009 The Other Side of Paradise: A Memoir (9780743292917 ... Staceyann Chin — Caribbean Equality Project

"'Talia, sometimes I wish I could just forget about boys altogether and just get to a woman when I get big!'" 

"I am tired of pretending. But I am too afraid that no one will like me without the parts of me I have worked so hard to make up."

"'White, Chinese, Syrian -  is the same thing! You not Black like we. You can get ahead in life. The rest of we just have to stay right here till we dead."

"'And therein lies the greatest fiction about America. It is never about just anything. It is always about something else. Something big. When it comes to the USA, other seemingly unconnected things are always connected.'"

"Then I wonder if I am just curious also. Maybe I just want to sleep with a girl so I can say I tried it. But I'm not so convinced when I spend the days hoping that Tanya or Belinda or Francine will take a chance and invite me up to their dorms to 'experiment.'"

"Fuck, this is New York City! You can be anything you goddamned wanna be."

"There are plenty of girls who allow for some sexual intimacy under the guise of exploration, but they stop talking to me when they find out that I want to be exclusive. The more it happens, the angrier I become."

"I wish I could just go straight to the police and report it. But I can never tell anyone how silent the brave Staceyann Chin was in that room."

"I think about how I let those hands touch me - how I did not say anything while they did what they wanted to me."

"I do not feel so alone when I can see the sky."

"I refuse to grow old kissing the woman I love under the cover of night and pretending I don't know her the next day."

"In my heart of hearts I don't want to leave either, but I don't see a way I can stay. Plus the wheels have been set to turning and I am already on my way."

"It takes all my willpower not to say that I intend to be away until it is safe for Jamaicans to be openly gay. I try not to think of how long that might be."

"And when I visit them in Jamaica, I am often caught between anger at the suffering I endured in the years I spent with them and understanding that, more often than not, people did the best they could under the remarkably difficult and pressing circumstances."